daletom: DSCF5718
daletom: Uphill the whole way
daletom: DSCF5720
daletom: DSCF5722
daletom: DSCF5723
daletom: DSCF5724
daletom: DSCF5725
daletom: DSCF5726
daletom: Checkers
daletom: And more uphill
daletom: cliMbing, climbing, climbing
daletom: DSCF5733
daletom: lily white sheets
daletom: Hand cut slate roof
daletom: DSCF5739
daletom: DSCF5740
daletom: DSCF5743
daletom: Another fence
daletom: Different fence materials than we see at home. HFF!
daletom: DSCF5747
daletom: DSCF5748
daletom: Hi, how are ya?
daletom: Just standing here looking good.
daletom: Air conditioned porch
daletom: DSCF5752
daletom: DSCF5753
daletom: Which one of us is cuter?
daletom: view from Cebreiro after the climb
daletom: looking out from the church yard. That's Tito, our driver for the 2nd half of our trip. Great guy.