Dale Strumpell:
Gathering on Heliotrope at 10:00 AM.
Dale Strumpell:
Everyone is ready to start.
Dale Strumpell:
Beautiful clear day.
Dale Strumpell:
Last minute repairs before the ride starts.
Dale Strumpell:
Starting off at 10 AM down New Hampshire St.
Dale Strumpell:
Waiting for cross-traffic.
Dale Strumpell:
Outdoor church service along the Ciclavia2010 route.
Dale Strumpell:
Looking down 7th St. towards downtown.
Dale Strumpell:
MacArthur Park rest stop was busy.
Dale Strumpell:
Crossing the 110 Harbor Freeway.
Dale Strumpell:
Bike racks on 1st St. across from City Hall.
Dale Strumpell:
Los Angeles City Hall.
Dale Strumpell:
Little Tokyo
Dale Strumpell:
First St. in Little Tokyo
Dale Strumpell:
The demonstation is about to begin.
Dale Strumpell:
Hollenbeck Park, eastern end of the Ciclavia2010 route.
Dale Strumpell:
L.A. Says No...
Dale Strumpell:
...To Oil and Coal.
Dale Strumpell:
Bike For Obama.
Dale Strumpell:
Resting after the end of the ride.