mojodale: reflections
mojodale: cyril gets away
mojodale: rubbish bin madness
mojodale: close up of rubbish bin madness
mojodale: cwd182 : perspective
mojodale: cwd181 : technology
mojodale: bikeway madness
mojodale: cwd 171 : justice
mojodale: cwd 171 : justice part 2
mojodale: green b r i d g e bus stop
mojodale: damn hell e l e v a t o r acid
mojodale: edward scissor hands
mojodale: cloudy r e f l e c t i o n s
mojodale: morning light c a t s tail
mojodale: j a c a r a n d a madness
mojodale: pelican reflections
mojodale: let the g a m e s begin
mojodale: g e n t l e m e n start your robots
mojodale: 25.365 YIP {sunny tails}
mojodale: 30.365 YIP {lines of a park bench}
mojodale: 29.365 YIP {randomness : from the hip}
mojodale: 85.365 {double-rainbow-spectacular}