katsonstage: charlie and guy henry
katsonstage: guy henry at the stage door for twelfth night
katsonstage: derek jacobi at the stage door
katsonstage: charlie and derek jacobi (claudius!!)
katsonstage: derek jacobi signing an autograph
katsonstage: derek jacobi at the stage door for twelfth night
katsonstage: charlie at the stage door: homeless in background
katsonstage: charlie at the waldorf hotel
katsonstage: charlie at the waldorf hotel
katsonstage: bomber harris looms
katsonstage: charlie with dr johnson
katsonstage: the home of the beano: charlie paradise!
katsonstage: dr johnson's house
katsonstage: charlie with dr johnson's cat, hodge
katsonstage: charlie in the olde cheshire cheese pub, fleet street
katsonstage: the daily telegraph building, fleet street
katsonstage: charlie with dr johnson's cat, hodge
katsonstage: the daily telegraph building, fleet street
katsonstage: the daily telegraph building, fleet street
katsonstage: st bride's steeple
katsonstage: edward VI above the entrance to the old bridewell
katsonstage: bridewell palace entrance
katsonstage: the last of the jolly blackfriars
katsonstage: the last of the jolly blackfriars
katsonstage: playhouse yard, london
katsonstage: newgate prison wall from amen corner
katsonstage: newgate prison wall from amen corner
katsonstage: st paul's cathedral crypt cafe
katsonstage: charlie working out the layout of st paul's