Dale Simonson: Tow rigs loaded at Eric's, ready to set off.
Dale Simonson: Our small ships at anchor, while we shuttled the tow rigs back to Eric's, 5 minutes down the road from the beach ramp
Dale Simonson: Let's go!
Dale Simonson: behind White Spit on the north end of Tree Island, after crossing it's long tail
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 2
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 3
Dale Simonson: Tree Island, at the north end of Denman
Dale Simonson: Tree Island
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 4
Dale Simonson: lunch stop
Dale Simonson: lunch stop at Tree Island
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 6
Dale Simonson: Mit's Hobie at Denman Point
Dale Simonson: closing on Denman Point, after the wind died
Dale Simonson: Denman Point
Dale Simonson: Denman Point (1)
Dale Simonson: Lone Pine Farm, Denman Point
Dale Simonson: sundown at Denman Point
Dale Simonson: anchored at Denman Point
Dale Simonson: breakfast in bed
Dale Simonson: day 2 begins with coffee
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 7
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 8
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 9
Dale Simonson: Chrome Island Light, at the south end of Denman
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 10
Dale Simonson: Comox to Jedediah, photos by Eric 12
Dale Simonson: Chrome Island
Dale Simonson: Chrome Island (1)
Dale Simonson: Swimming in the warm waters of Tribune Bay, Hornby