Dale Simonson: IMG_20190817_194930 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_112721 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_112727 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_154357 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_154555 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_173017 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190818_182751 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: Our first evening of the Raid, anchored in Drew Harbour, behind Rebecca Spit
Dale Simonson: rafting to the mothership in Drew Harbour -photo by Tobi Elliott
Dale Simonson: breakfast on the mothership, Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190819_094334 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: IMG_20190819_095655 -photo by Scott Veirs
Dale Simonson: next to no breeze as we round the northern tip of Rebecca Spit
Dale Simonson: Viner Point ahead, slow progress across Sutil Channel
Dale Simonson: humpbacks in Sutil Channel
Dale Simonson: humpbacks in Sutil Channel
Dale Simonson: humpbacks in Sutil Channel
Dale Simonson: entering Lake Bay, Read Island
Dale Simonson: lunch stop, Lake Bay, Read Island
Dale Simonson: Poor Man's Rock, anchored in Lake Bay, Read Island
Dale Simonson: LUNA leaving Lake Bay, Read Island -photo by Tobi Elliott
Dale Simonson: Eric in his sailing Row Cruiser
Dale Simonson: Eric heading up Sutil Channel
Dale Simonson: Bruce Bateau, in ROW BIRD, meets up with the fleet in Carrington Bay
Dale Simonson: RED URCHIN
Dale Simonson: mast repaired, but no bowsprit (or oarlocks) yet, so Red and Dread are still paddling RED URCHIN
Dale Simonson: Carrington Bay
Dale Simonson: Bruce in Carrington Bay
Dale Simonson: Carrington Bay
Dale Simonson: Carrington Bay