Dale Simonson: Kirkland and Gunn Islands
Dale Simonson: Porlier Pass, viewed from the air
Dale Simonson: Flight to Rose Harbour, Gwaii Haanas
Dale Simonson: island edges
Dale Simonson: Beaver landing, between the squalls
Dale Simonson: two Beavers were required...
Dale Simonson: unloading provisions (which include fresh muffins!)
Dale Simonson: unloading provisions from the Beaver as another squall hits
Dale Simonson: a sturdy and well-laden skiff
Dale Simonson: Rob Pettigrew brings Bruce, Lesley, and Prue to his vessel
Dale Simonson: mothership awaits
Dale Simonson: Rose Harbour was a whaling station in times gone by
Dale Simonson: first task: catch some halibut for dinner
Dale Simonson: halibut hand-lining gear
Dale Simonson: Chris is enthusiastic
Dale Simonson: Bruce seems pretty positive, too
Dale Simonson: even Rob, our fearless skipper, has high hopes
Dale Simonson: but don't worry...
Dale Simonson: Johnny is our secret weapon
Dale Simonson: this one didn't get away
Dale Simonson: halibut are odd looking beasts
Dale Simonson: undersides are white
Dale Simonson: Johnny in his element
Dale Simonson: now that dinner is aboard, lets go paddling
Dale Simonson: launching the kayaks
Dale Simonson: MV Island Bay, anchored in Rose Inlet
Dale Simonson: Lesley gets settled in
Dale Simonson: the inlet narrows, and the sun comes out
Dale Simonson: eelgrass and cedar
Dale Simonson: tideline in the trees