Dale Simonson: bus parking
Dale Simonson: bike repair
Dale Simonson: GDMA 2008 grad show_welcome
Dale Simonson: Condor House
Dale Simonson: soft yet shiny...
Dale Simonson: Lakeshore Motel
Dale Simonson: Irvine's Landing Hall
Dale Simonson: Farm Market Truck
Dale Simonson: Stencils for the Olympics ski-run fences
Dale Simonson: Patrick Equipment
Dale Simonson: paradise by the sea
Dale Simonson: tsunami
Dale Simonson: the trolls have moved, and the dwarves are long gone
Dale Simonson: GDMA at the Waterfall Building
Dale Simonson: Fox & Fluevog
Dale Simonson: The Soda Parlour
Dale Simonson: Burn fat, not oil
Dale Simonson: Jack Gibbon's bar
Dale Simonson: TJ.Gibbons, __
Dale Simonson: cinderblock scenery
Dale Simonson: Shell sign, circa 1920
Dale Simonson: Beef, Eggs
Dale Simonson: Frutiger signage, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Dale Simonson: Frutiger signage, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Dale Simonson: Frutiger signage, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Dale Simonson: Bubbles seafood & wine bar
Dale Simonson: Frutiger signage, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Dale Simonson: airport bar
Dale Simonson: airport bar