Dale Hameister:
Tom LaBonge, LA City Council
Dale Hameister:
Dale Hameister:
Richard Halsey, Chaparral Field Institute
Dale Hameister:
Dan Cooper, Cooper Ecological
Dale Hameister:
Jon Keeley, US Geological Survey
Dale Hameister:
Peter Wohlgemuth, US Forest Service
Dale Hameister:
Jon Knapp, Catalina Island Conservancy
Dale Hameister:
Ready for the Van Tour
Dale Hameister:
Lead Ranger of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Downtown LA
Dale Hameister:
Burned Area of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Burned Area of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Burned Area of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Dan Cooper speaking on the tour
Dale Hameister:
Partially burned canyon
Dale Hameister:
Unburned Chaparral of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Griffith Observatory
Dale Hameister:
Mayor of Griffith Park
Dale Hameister:
Yucca whipplei flowering after the burn
Dale Hameister:
On top of Mt Hollywood
Dale Hameister:
And over there
Dale Hameister:
Laurel Sumac crown sprouting after fire