Laci Wilson: Son-Shine :)
Laci Wilson: sunflair fun
Laci Wilson: My Sonshine
Laci Wilson: The curls i love
Laci Wilson: The blue eyed kiddos
Laci Wilson: Dinosaur Baths
Laci Wilson: Now you don't...
Laci Wilson: Now you see them...
Laci Wilson: The wild rocker
Laci Wilson: Outta focus love
Laci Wilson: He grows to fast :(
Laci Wilson: A bike can be an emotional ride for a 4yr old sometimes...
Laci Wilson: Air Guitar Flare...
Laci Wilson: 4yr old Guitar Hero's
Laci Wilson: Rockin 4yr olds
Laci Wilson: Oh my gawsh"It said I ROCK"
Laci Wilson: What color are souls? she said & I said, Color isn't that much of an issue when you're talking souls. ~ Story People
Laci Wilson: Its Just what I wanted
Laci Wilson: Mom's little monster is gonna get you ;)
Laci Wilson: sonshine curls
Laci Wilson: art is hard work
Laci Wilson: Front porch painting
Laci Wilson: The Thinker
Laci Wilson: Cereal Light
Laci Wilson: Mess of curls
Laci Wilson: 4yr old Accomplishment
Laci Wilson: My (BIG) little boy :)