Dakiny: 皇居東御苑竹橋 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 竹橋 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑竹橋門 (Takehashi-mon of Edo Castle)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑平川門 (Hirakawa-mon of Edo Castle)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑平川門案内板 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑平川門発券所 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑天神濠石碑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑天神濠 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑を歩く恋人たち (Lovers walk in The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑二の丸雑木林案内板 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑諏訪の茶屋 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑の紫陽花 (Hydrangea The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑の紫陽花 (Hydrangea The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑のアヤメ (Siberian iris)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑のアヤメ (Siberian iris)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑菖蒲田案内板 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑の紫陽花 (Hydrangea The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 諏訪の茶屋 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)
Dakiny: 皇居東御苑 二の丸雑木林 (The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)