Dakawaiidolls: EC-03A Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Green and Metal Yellow Green
Dakawaiidolls: EC-04A Blythe's Eye-Chip Red Gold, Silver, and Metal Blood Red
Dakawaiidolls: EC-05 Blythe's Eye-Chip Ice Silver and Metal Purple
Dakawaiidolls: EC-06A Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Yellow Solid
Dakawaiidolls: EC-07A Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Yellow and Metal Blue
Dakawaiidolls: EC-08A Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Purple, Silver, and Red Gold
Dakawaiidolls: EC-09A Blythe's Eye-Chip Pink and Metal Purple
Dakawaiidolls: EC-10 Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Peach and Metal Red
Dakawaiidolls: EC-11 Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Blood Red and Metal Peach
Dakawaiidolls: EC-12 Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Dark Blue and White Silver
Dakawaiidolls: EC-13A Blythe's Eye-Chip Sandy Brown and Flesh
Dakawaiidolls: EC-14A Blythe's Eye-Chip Metal Purple and Red Gold