dajonas: aspiration
dajonas: July in full
dajonas: a gathering in the clearing
dajonas: I don't know the language so I just listen
dajonas: water as time, water as memory
dajonas: elevation
dajonas: tamarack cones
dajonas: I forget
dajonas: prairie smoke biding its time
dajonas: eavesdropping
dajonas: full of questions this morning
dajonas: transcendent, resplendent, this shining sky
dajonas: wherefore and why
dajonas: prairie morning, blue frost and unfiltered sunshine
dajonas: I'll take you there
dajonas: crystalline morning
dajonas: "... you get what you need"
dajonas: January sunrise sublimation
dajonas: coming in to land on the creek
dajonas: solstice sunset
dajonas: early November tamaracks
dajonas: keep down this passage
dajonas: so many decisions
dajonas: secret hideout
dajonas: each its own memory
dajonas: summer's work finished
dajonas: parabola
dajonas: fall, interrupted
dajonas: rising and ringing
dajonas: a preview of coming attractions