daisy.p: over the stile
daisy.p: buttercup field
daisy.p: buttercups
daisy.p: footpath
daisy.p: dandelions EXPLORED!
daisy.p: sunset through the trees
daisy.p: road home
daisy.p: wild field poppy
daisy.p: abstract water runs
daisy.p: Left Eye
daisy.p: Out for the Attack
daisy.p: right light
daisy.p: raindrops on tulips...
daisy.p: Snowdrops
daisy.p: fresh tulip
daisy.p: tulip in gritty B&W
daisy.p: Off the tracks EXPLORED!
daisy.p: H? EXPLORED!
daisy.p: Scored
daisy.p: Its all a blur
daisy.p: Sun Setting
daisy.p: Panorama at 6:11
daisy.p: Close for comfort
daisy.p: Sunset looking towards Wales
daisy.p: moon
daisy.p: On the black hill
daisy.p: reflection - owl eyes?
daisy.p: The Light Trailed Ram
daisy.p: Petrol Can
daisy.p: Abstract Tiles