Swish and Swirl: Finished 1830s dress for Jane Eyre
Swish and Swirl: Finished 1830s dress for Jane Eyre
Swish and Swirl: Finished 1830s dress for Jane Eyre
Swish and Swirl: Mr Rochester
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel in Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Ambriel and daisies at the Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
Swish and Swirl: Lonnie's new face-up
Swish and Swirl: Pippa's new face-up
Swish and Swirl: Pippa's new face-up
Swish and Swirl: Lavinia (Soom Topaz)
Swish and Swirl: Beatrice
Swish and Swirl: Supia Rosy
Swish and Swirl: Mirwen's face-up
Swish and Swirl: Mirwen's face-up
Swish and Swirl: Carina's faceup by Ariadne
Swish and Swirl: Carina's faceup by Ariadne
Swish and Swirl: Anika in a Model Village in Blenheim Palace (UK)
Swish and Swirl: Anika in the Tower of London
Swish and Swirl: Anika on Bintan island (Indonesia)
Swish and Swirl: Anika on Bintan island (Indonesia)
Swish and Swirl: Anika on Bintan island (Indonesia)