Let It Go! His plans are higher! (1/2.A Plan or Hope for 2014 #meadayjanuary2014 & special thanks to my friend Lauren for snapping this picture of me)
"Take me this is all I can bring...I feel alive, I come alive, I am alive!" (1/3.Ladies Dancing #meadayjanuary2014 )
"I am an instrument of the living God. My life a melody to His name. More than the songs I sing, worship is everything, I live to glorify my King. Hear the song of my life, let it be a sweet, sweet sound."
Rain drop beat...cold wet feet...helping to save a barn from flooding because this icy water is getting deep! (1/6.Drum #meadayjanuary2014)
Holding my childhood in my hand...not wanting to let go...not wanting to grow up. Little smiles, knit hats too these were always my favorites! How I love the so! (1/7.Pack up the Christmas decorations #meadayjanuary2014)
"You dwell in the songs that we are singing, Rising to the Heavens, rising to Your heart, Your heart. Our praises filling up the spaces, In between our frailty & everything You are. You are the keeper of my heart."
Because of him, a little baby born in a manger, I'm a princess of the most high King. And in this I will be affirmed of who I am, why I am here & just how much I am loved. For He has chosen me, blessed <3 (#meadayjanuary2014 1/9.Princess)
Leaning growing something new...she is sharing, writing, taking it all in. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/10.Post/letter)
Round & round she goes, warming up from trunk to toes. Playing the elephant disco! (in hopes my ear & head will feel better soon) (#meadayjanuary2014 1/11.Disco)
"Have faith in your dreams and someday, someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing. The dream that you wish will come true." ~Sometimes the faith & believing is the hardest part. It's blu
"She seeks wool and flax and works willingly with her hands"~Proverbs 31:13...my happy spot, my favorite thing...this is where I would always want to be. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/13.Favorite holiday activity)
Grey skies are gonna clear up...put on a smiley face. (sometimes when the midst of grey skies it's hard to spread sunshine all over the place or even smile for that matter. But trying.) (#meadayjanuary2014 1/14.Seasonal weather where you are)
"I'll watch the night turn light blue. But it's not the same without you, because it takes two to whisper quietly. The silence isn't so bad 'till I look at my hands & feel sad, 'cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly."
Life is not just the passing of time, life is the collection of experiences. And one must make the choice to make the most of it...For me the passing of time is sometimes so scary. How fast it slips away & before you know it another year has come & gone.
"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonders forever." ~ and that is does. It calls to me & I long for it. I find peace by its shores whether rocky or sandy. It's salty waters runs through my veins & when I'm near it I feel complete.
"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart." (#meadayjanuary2014 1/18.best friends)
Often I find myself lost as I drive...wondering, dreaming... escaping away in my thoughts & the sky. If I had the time I would chase after it's ever changing self capturing all the moments I could. I would find a field like the one I found today & just st
This may seem a little cheesy to those passers by but to me it was joy! Yes joy can be found in the most silliest of moments & as simple as a fun app followed by laughter & singing. It's in this simple snap shot I find a place I like. I enjoy. I belong.
A tear filled much needed rewrite...but oh so beautifully perfect. Feeling the arms of those I love around me as I speak these words...here there is warmth...here I feel safe...here I feel like I can be me, just as I am. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/21.Hug)
Smiles found in the sweet collection of things I love. Different meaning, memories & reasons all around me. Childhood kept alive by big wide eyes <3 (#meadayjanuary2014 1/22.Blythe & another doll)
Memories found on a table. Simple journeys taken together share around, smiles abound...but a tear fall as the moment slips away...not real just that a distant dream of time past never to be forgot. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/23.Pie)
My longest friend, my constant companion, the one who knows my secrets, my joys, & my fears. For he hears all my whispers & has caught 90% of my tears. He's been with me through the ups & the downs... the spinning spiraling of my life all around.
Smiles found while looking down...funning how even the simplest thing as little pups on your socks can bring up so many memories & thoughts. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/25.Scottish)
Often I find I'm described by this word...but I am the one often in search for it always. Looking at everything around me with the filter of these 3 letters forming one powerful word.
There's no place like home...there's no place like home. It truly is funny how one place can capture such a huge part of you. How in those moments when you need to get away & you close your eyes you always end up there.
Loud sounds...sweet sounds...lines up, lines down. Sitting, watching, supporting, smiling. Layers of life growing changing shaping making...my view from here. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/29.Stripes)
"Bird singing softly, sweet sound swelling, small voices calling. There are rainbows & wishes, leaves dancing freely. Sunlight, moonlight, & lots of amazing dreaming."
Reminded in a midnight snow that today is a new day with no mistakes. That I get make my mark, step out on to the clean fresh slate & leave behind the footprints of the adventure that's truly only uniquely mind. Let it go. (#meadayjanuary2014 1/31.Chinese