Stitching Times: On Our Way
Stitching Times: Wind in my face
Stitching Times: the house
Stitching Times: inside view
Stitching Times: inside out view
Stitching Times: what we do at the beach
Stitching Times: IMGP0057
Stitching Times: IMGP0077
Stitching Times: IMGP0079
Stitching Times: IMGP0080
Stitching Times: First sunset
Stitching Times: drive in from the road
Stitching Times: the neighbors
Stitching Times: condos we stayed in before
Stitching Times: Helping Dad fish
Stitching Times: First keeper
Stitching Times: Hardheaded Catfish
Stitching Times: I want it
Stitching Times: Nooo don't throw it back
Stitching Times: The infamous beach quilt
Stitching Times: contented man
Stitching Times: contented dog
Stitching Times: Waves don't bother me
Stitching Times: Body surfing
Stitching Times: crazy sunset
Stitching Times: Nearly empty beach
Stitching Times: in both directions
Stitching Times: More fishing