daisukeyanocx: tgv ride
daisukeyanocx: tgv to paris
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: villa grillon
daisukeyanocx: R0010635
daisukeyanocx: the damage healing ride
daisukeyanocx: legs of 6hr12min43sec
daisukeyanocx: salt on tarzan mag cheif editor
daisukeyanocx: pick up for those getting off the broom wagon
daisukeyanocx: incredible descnet on the back side
daisukeyanocx: broom wagon (bus)
daisukeyanocx: the last hairpin
daisukeyanocx: the last hairpin
daisukeyanocx: well deserved cigar
daisukeyanocx: R0010611
daisukeyanocx: with imanaka
daisukeyanocx: R0010608
daisukeyanocx: contrast on expression
daisukeyanocx: tom simpson memorial
daisukeyanocx: R0010601
daisukeyanocx: goal in the distance
daisukeyanocx: last few km
daisukeyanocx: last few km
daisukeyanocx: early bird campers