Tom and Sung's Photos: Just got leighed at the Polynesian Cultural Center
Tom and Sung's Photos: On the balcony of our room
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tom did not see the camera for this one (Rob LOVES this pic.)
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tom and Rob at the Continental Divide
Tom and Sung's Photos: Rob with his Seafood Sampler
Tom and Sung's Photos: Two professional rafters
Tom and Sung's Photos: IMG00241.jpg
Tom and Sung's Photos: Mendenhall Glacier
Tom and Sung's Photos: RobF & TomD
Tom and Sung's Photos: IMG00811.jpg
Tom and Sung's Photos: IMG01017.jpg
Tom and Sung's Photos: M020709_00_7756
Tom and Sung's Photos: Dinner at the Moraccan restaurant
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the elevated station