Tom and Sung's Photos: Blowing out the candles at Barbara's dinner
Tom and Sung's Photos: Rob and Barbara
Tom and Sung's Photos: The Saugatuck sign at night
Tom and Sung's Photos: Dinner at Toulouse
Tom and Sung's Photos: Rob being a lush.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Black squirrel (Rob claims they are common where he comes from)
Tom and Sung's Photos: Entering Saugatuck.
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the luxurious Amercinn hotel
Tom and Sung's Photos: Rob pretending to be part of the sculpture.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tom in his "Bruno" pose
Tom and Sung's Photos: Another "Bruno" pose
Tom and Sung's Photos: A purty flar.
Tom and Sung's Photos: A purty boosh.
Tom and Sung's Photos: In the garden. Pay no attention to Tom's gut!
Tom and Sung's Photos: Amazing Optical Illusion!
Tom and Sung's Photos: Yet another amazing optical illusion
Tom and Sung's Photos: Rob at the boardwalk in Saugatuck
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the boardwalk
Tom and Sung's Photos: Entering Saugatuck from Blue Star Highway
Tom and Sung's Photos: The "Dutch Village" in Holland, MI. They wanted $12 bucks to get in to this little attraction. You have got to be kidding.
Tom and Sung's Photos: The sign for the lovely Amercinn
Tom and Sung's Photos: View of our fabulous hotel during beautiful weather.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Winding down
Tom and Sung's Photos: Waiting to be called for dinner at Butler Restaurant
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tom taking a picture of Rob taking a picture. Does that mean this picture will be repeated to infinity?
Tom and Sung's Photos: Soggy Saugatuck