Tom and Sung's Photos: At the Elevated station on the way to the parade
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the elevated station
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the elevated statino
Tom and Sung's Photos: stpatmarytommike
Tom and Sung's Photos: Awww... Joe and Sue make a cute Bro and Sis!
Tom and Sung's Photos: "The boys" at the party. Tony knows how to spot the space station with his naked eye!
Tom and Sung's Photos: Purty couple.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Patrick, Terry, Susan, yours truly and Cathy.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Christian, Enrique, Dave and Tony
Tom and Sung's Photos: stpatmartytommike
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tracy and Chuck
Tom and Sung's Photos: Mary, the matriarch of 515 Main.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Midori Shots!
Tom and Sung's Photos: stpatrobmary
Tom and Sung's Photos: Now that is a goodlooking couple!
Tom and Sung's Photos: Helen and Robert, soon-to-be spouses
Tom and Sung's Photos: The Buell family. They will the prize for best coordinated costumes.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Armie and her peeps.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Steve, Michelle, Colleen and Patrick
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tucker supervising.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Chuck and Tracy
Tom and Sung's Photos: Miss Jezebel
Tom and Sung's Photos: Susan... after a cocktail or three.
Tom and Sung's Photos: stpattable
Tom and Sung's Photos: The party spread!
Tom and Sung's Photos: Chicago St. Pat's parade
Tom and Sung's Photos: At the parade
Tom and Sung's Photos: On the train going to the parade