Tom and Sung's Photos: At the Firehouse restaurant...
Tom and Sung's Photos: Tom's got hair!
Tom and Sung's Photos: At least this vendor was fair and balanced... red vs. blue
Tom and Sung's Photos: Northwestern has a lovely High School sized stadium
Tom and Sung's Photos: More red than purple!
Tom and Sung's Photos: It didn't stop there.... 45-10 final.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Alex can't be 15.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Just like old times (except no alcohol)
Tom and Sung's Photos: Even the schoolbuses in Evanston saw the writing on the wall...
Tom and Sung's Photos: Even the Purple Line was Red!
Tom and Sung's Photos: God am I sexy! Sort of a disco diva.
Tom and Sung's Photos: Took this for Pat's benefit on the way home