Tom and Sung's Photos: La Fonda sign
Tom and Sung's Photos: La Fonda Hotel
Tom and Sung's Photos: Bedroom at La Fonda Hotel Santa Fe
Tom and Sung's Photos: Living room at La Fonda Hotel Santa Fe
Tom and Sung's Photos: Restaurant at La Fonda
Tom and Sung's Photos: Meeting Room at La Fonda
Tom and Sung's Photos: Meeting Room
Tom and Sung's Photos: Native American Museum
Tom and Sung's Photos: Santa Fe Town Square
Tom and Sung's Photos: Lobby interior La Fonda
Tom and Sung's Photos: Governors Palace and Marketplace
Tom and Sung's Photos: Cathedral Basilica-Santa Fe
Tom and Sung's Photos: Cathedral Altar - Santa Fe
Tom and Sung's Photos: At La Posada with Karen and Sue
Tom and Sung's Photos: Cathedral Procession - Santa Fe