velluminous rex: you're the one i wanted to find tragic
velluminous rex: i want you so bad
velluminous rex: #235 8 R O : ON G-F:
velluminous rex: eff birds
velluminous rex: you're living in a fantasy
velluminous rex: feminist brothers
velluminous rex: you are here
velluminous rex: i've waited my whole life for you
velluminous rex: IMAGE_423.jpg
velluminous rex: IMAGE_405.jpg
velluminous rex: IMAGE_404.jpg
velluminous rex: IMAGE_412.jpg
velluminous rex: youre the one i wanted to find
velluminous rex: one tree
velluminous rex: space alien
velluminous rex: end marriage/gay shame
velluminous rex: can you find love for me?
velluminous rex: im not hiding my love anymore
velluminous rex: thanks for nothing, hippie
velluminous rex: crying is okay here
velluminous rex: crying is okay here
velluminous rex: stop thinking about sex
velluminous rex: up in atoms
velluminous rex: the new land barons ride fixies