Dah Professor: Ready to Roll (Day 3)
Dah Professor: Apple Prickly Pear
Dah Professor: Engelmann's Prickly Pear
Dah Professor: Big, Big & Bigger
Dah Professor: Cactus Apple
Dah Professor: Bitter Rubberweed
Dah Professor: Western Bitter/rubber Weed
Dah Professor: Firewheel
Dah Professor: A Rose of Another Color
Dah Professor: Zizotes Milkweed
Dah Professor: Ramblin' Rows
Dah Professor: Dagger Bindweed
Dah Professor: Mealycup Sage Inflorescence
Dah Professor: Mealycup Sage
Dah Professor: Twoleaf Wild Sensitive Plant
Dah Professor: Texas Bindweed
Dah Professor: Silver-leaved Nightshade
Dah Professor: Yellow Stonecrop
Dah Professor: Resinbush
Dah Professor: Skeletonleaf Goldeneye
Dah Professor: Dainty Sulphur
Dah Professor: Holding on for Dear Life at 4:20
Dah Professor: Staking a Claim
Dah Professor: Plains Dozedaisies
Dah Professor: Sleepy & Dozy
Dah Professor: Spreading Globemallow
Dah Professor: Globemallow
Dah Professor: Desert-willow
Dah Professor: Davis Mountains Campsite