Dah Professor: Poor Virginia
Dah Professor: A Close Look at the Obscure
Dah Professor: Blue Mistflower
Dah Professor: My World
Dah Professor: Into the Green
Dah Professor: White Admiral
Dah Professor: Getting the Most Out of Life
Dah Professor: Autumn Meadowhawk
Dah Professor: Pushing Needles
Dah Professor: Variable Darner
Dah Professor: Under Cover Operative
Dah Professor: Common Milkweed
Dah Professor: Tachinid Fly
Dah Professor: Tyrol Knapweed
Dah Professor: Alfalfa Plant Bug
Dah Professor: Flat-topped Aster 2-up
Dah Professor: Heal Thy Self
Dah Professor: Rent-a Jumper
Dah Professor: Starved Aster
Dah Professor: Calico Aster 3-up
Dah Professor: White Goldenrod Seed Plumes
Dah Professor: Be the Stick
Dah Professor: Green Shadow
Dah Professor: Variable Darner
Dah Professor: Angel of Death
Dah Professor: White Fly
Dah Professor: Conifer Tuft
Dah Professor: Conifer Tuft
Dah Professor: Chanterelle Waxy Cap