faultier13: sibirian tiger - zoo duisburg
faultier13: amazon river dolphin - zoo duisburg
faultier13: bottlenose dolphin - zoo duisburg
faultier13: jacobiter dolphin - Zoo duisburg
faultier13: beluga "ferdinand" - zoo duisburg
faultier13: raccon - zoo duisburg
faultier13: ... normally i'm panic near too a spider...
faultier13: lama with many many freckles
faultier13: my sweet-heart: hugo
faultier13: sweet alpaca with a funny hairstyle
faultier13: Jeany the Flying dog
faultier13: Multi-coloured ducks
faultier13: what big ears?
faultier13: I think he needs a brace?
faultier13: Flamingo : personal hygiene
faultier13: The sentry
faultier13: ... a real arched back
faultier13: Sweet little curious cow
faultier13: Duck-Dance
faultier13: Sweet little seal
faultier13: Sibirian tiger at the zoo Duisburg
faultier13: Heron after starting
faultier13: An inquisitive bottlenose dolphin...
faultier13: Erdmännchen
faultier13: A big drake... I called him Elvis
faultier13: bähhhhhh... spiders everywhere in the garden
faultier13: "Otto" the master of the house
faultier13: enjoying the sun
faultier13: and guardian of the garden
faultier13: Sometime it seems that she's like a little lamb...