daffodil.lane: LaGrave Field
daffodil.lane: He wants to be out there snagging balls so bad
daffodil.lane: today we get to watch some baseball
daffodil.lane: We Won.....
daffodil.lane: it's the bottom 3rd you got a runner on 1st with 2 outs
daffodil.lane: Have they even watered this field this week
daffodil.lane: will she ever finish this?
daffodil.lane: runner on 2nd
daffodil.lane: bottom of the 3rd ....2 outs and runner on 1st
daffodil.lane: Mark and Alan booster club cook out
daffodil.lane: batter up
daffodil.lane: Top of the 2nd
daffodil.lane: Yes, I'll finish this one day
daffodil.lane: everybody put your hands together
daffodil.lane: Go Gracie Go!!
daffodil.lane: Hey batta batta sa-wing batta...
daffodil.lane: Can't I be the cheerleader instead??
daffodil.lane: I'm gonna hit it over there.
daffodil.lane: Ready? Wedy!!
daffodil.lane: How m'am I s'posed to hold dis ding??
daffodil.lane: They aren't very good yet
daffodil.lane: Gwennie in her baseball gear
daffodil.lane: Gwennie & Gracie warm up for the big game
daffodil.lane: Montgomery Biscuits...