Daedalus .: Baltic - look at this !
Daedalus .: Baltic stairs
Daedalus .: Baltic stairs
Daedalus .: Tyne river lights
Daedalus .: night lights
Daedalus .: "Blinking eye" bridge, Newcastle/ Gateshead
Daedalus .: from the Sage
Daedalus .: Fat house
Daedalus .: Busker
Daedalus .: wind patterns on river
Daedalus .: sun and wind patterns on river
Daedalus .: tasty wine from Chile
Daedalus .: Quayside art
Daedalus .: Arch on Tyne
Daedalus .: steps to stanns
Daedalus .: KADER ATTIA
Daedalus .: harpy bridge
Daedalus .: rusty walls (Baltic Mill)
Daedalus .: peace not peas
Daedalus .: evening
Daedalus .: seen on a short bus journey
Daedalus .: Baltic Entrance reflections
Daedalus .: under the arches