Daddy Sold Shoes: We saw this on the way back to the Lodge...I want a ride in this
Daddy Sold Shoes: 4,000 miles in a car will require a superwoman
Daddy Sold Shoes: Plus, a superman
Daddy Sold Shoes: Illinois already...Jerry drives fast
Daddy Sold Shoes: St. Mary Aldermanbury Church-Fulton, Missouri
Daddy Sold Shoes: A statue of Churchill with the spire of the church
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Naional Churchill Museum is beneath tthe church
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Museum is in Fulton because President Harry Truman wanted to honor Churchill
Daddy Sold Shoes: President Truman wanted the Museum in his home state
Daddy Sold Shoes: Westminister College, Fulton, Missouri
Daddy Sold Shoes: Just in case your school history books only had photos of Winston later in life
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Museum had great displays
Daddy Sold Shoes: Winston & Harry together in Fulton
Daddy Sold Shoes: St. Mary Aldermanbury Church-built in the 12th century London-the church was damaged by a bomb in WWll
Daddy Sold Shoes: I especially loved the kneeling cushions...the church ladies have been busy
Daddy Sold Shoes: Jerry waiting...took me a bit to look around...ha
Daddy Sold Shoes: Beautiful
Daddy Sold Shoes: Photos of reconstruction
Daddy Sold Shoes: Pieces of the Berlin Wall at the church
Daddy Sold Shoes: Columbia, Missouri...on the 4th of July...this flag is BIG
Daddy Sold Shoes: This big, in fact
Daddy Sold Shoes: Columbia, Missouri
Daddy Sold Shoes: Hot tea & good dinner...ready to travel on
Daddy Sold Shoes: On the Missouri River Basin
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Lewis & Clark Center - Nebraska City
Daddy Sold Shoes: Walking along with history
Daddy Sold Shoes: Jerry on the "keel boat"
Daddy Sold Shoes: Keel boat #2
Daddy Sold Shoes: Keel boat #3
Daddy Sold Shoes: Lewis and Clark's biggest problem