Daddy Sold Shoes: Edinburgh Castle...walked up there several times...also had a tour...very nice
Daddy Sold Shoes: Nashville airport...storms in the northeast...a 9 hour wait
Daddy Sold Shoes: Newark, NJ...3am...missed our plane, but the bags are off on vacation
Daddy Sold Shoes: Look...still smiling at 3am in NJ
Daddy Sold Shoes: The only way out of New Jersey...we took it
Daddy Sold Shoes: Lufthansa to dressed crew with smiles and good manners
Daddy Sold Shoes: Finally...Scotland below
Daddy Sold Shoes: Edinburgh...the Bonham Hotel...charming
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Bonham...historic on the outside...modern on the inside
Daddy Sold Shoes: View from our rains a wee bit there
Daddy Sold Shoes: Wouldn't this be fun for a day
Daddy Sold Shoes: Apparently they say "ya'll" in Scotland...ha
Daddy Sold Shoes: Every taxi driver had a story about his time spent in the states
Daddy Sold Shoes: A tour of the Royal Yacht
Daddy Sold Shoes: Aboard the yacht with Ike & Maymee
Daddy Sold Shoes: A man with a new camera...he took more pictures than I did
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Queen's motor to reach land
Daddy Sold Shoes: The year was 1953
Daddy Sold Shoes: The sweet lady who took the tickets...and kept a eye on everyone
Daddy Sold Shoes: A very proper place to eat
Daddy Sold Shoes: Some of the Scottish clans have their own buses
Daddy Sold Shoes: Where to shop...Edinburgh's Royal mile
Daddy Sold Shoes: Bought a sweater in this shop...this is the men's kilt room
Daddy Sold Shoes: The window of this shop...fell in love with that tiny jacket for a tiny boy
Daddy Sold Shoes: Edinburgh's giraffes
Daddy Sold Shoes: High Tea at the Bonham
Daddy Sold Shoes: Edinburgh Castle from the city park
Daddy Sold Shoes: 1914 - America to Scotland
Daddy Sold Shoes: Dinner at Howie's with our tour group