Daddy Sold Shoes: A 1966 Wedding Shower
Daddy Sold Shoes: At the home of Marg Maney...everyone "dressed to the nines"
Daddy Sold Shoes: Party off
Daddy Sold Shoes: 1966 Wedding Shower #2
Daddy Sold Shoes: A balancing act
Daddy Sold Shoes: 1966 Wedding Shower #3
Daddy Sold Shoes: My childhood buddies
Daddy Sold Shoes: Gdma & Gdpa Terry 1966
Daddy Sold Shoes: Best Man & Groom
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Bride
Daddy Sold Shoes: Down the aisle with Daddy 1966
Daddy Sold Shoes: Then he gave me away...just like that !
Daddy Sold Shoes: Hugs, kisses & farewells
Daddy Sold Shoes: Cutting the cake
Daddy Sold Shoes: December 1966-The wedding party...minus one
Daddy Sold Shoes: With our parents
Daddy Sold Shoes: Grandpa Vern entertaining the maids
Daddy Sold Shoes: Out the door..
Daddy Sold Shoes: After the wedding with my new niece Jill