Daddy Sold Shoes: A favorite Restaurant at Half Moon Bay
Daddy Sold Shoes: A reason to go to NOLA
Daddy Sold Shoes: Dessert at K Paul's
Daddy Sold Shoes: Josh - Coney Island
Daddy Sold Shoes: Holiday Tradition
Daddy Sold Shoes: Coney Island dog
Daddy Sold Shoes: Father & Son
Daddy Sold Shoes: Pretty on the outside
Daddy Sold Shoes: Prettier on the inside....yum
Daddy Sold Shoes: The place to go
Daddy Sold Shoes: The Nashville Dog - grilled
Daddy Sold Shoes: San Francisco 1999 - Greens Restaurant on the Bay
Daddy Sold Shoes: St. Louis Hotel dining...lovely setting
Daddy Sold Shoes: Commanders Palace for the courtyard
Daddy Sold Shoes: Out to lunch with 4 ladies
Daddy Sold Shoes: Bread to die for.....
Daddy Sold Shoes: Good catfish & good pie
Daddy Sold Shoes: Southern food
Daddy Sold Shoes: Moose's - North Beach, S.F.1995
Daddy Sold Shoes: Lunch at Lulu-San Francisco '95
Daddy Sold Shoes: Making decisions at Greens Bakery
Daddy Sold Shoes: J. Alexanders
Daddy Sold Shoes: For cold, wet & muddy weather
Daddy Sold Shoes: Blackstone Brewery
Daddy Sold Shoes: Tea & Beer
Daddy Sold Shoes: Thanksgiving at our place
Daddy Sold Shoes: All the good stuff...with gravy on the side