Iain Lawrie:
Dance Fly - Empis sp.
Iain Lawrie:
Dance Fly - Empis sp.
Iain Lawrie:
Myopa buccata
Iain Lawrie:
the kiss of death
Iain Lawrie:
let's dance
Iain Lawrie:
cranefly colours
Iain Lawrie:
somebody must love me...
Iain Lawrie:
who cleans these windows...
Iain Lawrie:
me and my carcass - part I
Iain Lawrie:
me and my carcass - part II
Iain Lawrie:
oops, me head's fallen off!
Iain Lawrie:
still green
Iain Lawrie:
all systems go
Iain Lawrie:
keepy uppy
Iain Lawrie:
the machine of death
Iain Lawrie:
dancing with death in the dew
Iain Lawrie:
fly woz 'ere
Iain Lawrie:
more dung fly
Iain Lawrie:
the Martians have landed!
Iain Lawrie:
the only way is up
Iain Lawrie:
i spy fly eye
Iain Lawrie:
Iain Lawrie:
helicopter spotting (or toadstool eyes)
Iain Lawrie:
wee fly thing
Iain Lawrie:
mayfly - the force be with you
Iain Lawrie:
the full mayfly
Iain Lawrie:
Iain Lawrie:
dung fly v greenbottle ~ episode 1 (the capture)
Iain Lawrie:
dung fly v greenbottle ~ episode 2 (the struggle)
Iain Lawrie:
dung fly v greenbottle ~ episode 3 (the final curtain)