Near Infinity Studios: city hall - burbank, ca
Near Infinity Studios: fuel to the fire
Near Infinity Studios: ho, ho, ho hum
Near Infinity Studios: brought a pick-axe to a snowball fight
Near Infinity Studios: nice set of balls
Near Infinity Studios: joy to the world
Near Infinity Studios: happy holidays
Near Infinity Studios: again, really?
Near Infinity Studios: one more for the road, er sky!
Near Infinity Studios: 2012.12.07-CA-317.jpg
Near Infinity Studios: bal lbreaker
Near Infinity Studios: hot tin roof
Near Infinity Studios: What are you looking at?
Near Infinity Studios: Hey! I'm over here!
Near Infinity Studios: behind blue eyes
Near Infinity Studios: so gallantly streaming
Near Infinity Studios: 2012.12.08-CA-490.jpg
Near Infinity Studios: and to all, a good night