Near Infinity Studios: twelve tones to home
Near Infinity Studios: goodbye old friend
Near Infinity Studios: self-portrait over lake michigan
Near Infinity Studios: breakfast of champions
Near Infinity Studios: at the drake
Near Infinity Studios: american girl
Near Infinity Studios: tim, joby, and karen
Near Infinity Studios: liqiuid lunch
Near Infinity Studios: hypothetical lunch
Near Infinity Studios: jeremy kahn w/sam fazio
Near Infinity Studios: entering the drake
Near Infinity Studios: chris' next car
Near Infinity Studios: happy birthday to the guy at the table next to me
Near Infinity Studios: beautiful day for a ballgame
Near Infinity Studios: subway vigilante
Near Infinity Studios: Leaning Tower of Niles, IL
Near Infinity Studios: here comes the snow
Near Infinity Studios: greek islands
Near Infinity Studios: everybody complains
Near Infinity Studios: my cat's bigger than yours
Near Infinity Studios: friend's best man
Near Infinity Studios: bass and piano
Near Infinity Studios: his ride and castle
Near Infinity Studios: cleans up real nice