DaCosta1: Taking a drive in Newark
DaCosta1: Taking a drive in Newark
DaCosta1: Checking in Transit
DaCosta1: Lady on the Bus
DaCosta1: On Frehlinghuysen and VanDuyne
DaCosta1: By Military Park
DaCosta1: Market & Halsey
DaCosta1: Walker in the Rain
DaCosta1: From the Driver's Seat
DaCosta1: See the Sky
DaCosta1: Broad & Academy
DaCosta1: Halsey at Raymond
DaCosta1: Bloomfield Avenue in Motion
DaCosta1: On Bloomfield Ave.
DaCosta1: Irvington
DaCosta1: Taxi Stand
DaCosta1: Downtown Westfield by Car
DaCosta1: New & Broad Streets
DaCosta1: Planet Wings
DaCosta1: Rearview
DaCosta1: Flooded 22
DaCosta1: At the White Castle Drive Up
DaCosta1: Downtown Elizabeth
DaCosta1: Movin'
DaCosta1: By Military Park
DaCosta1: King and Orange
DaCosta1: By One Washington
DaCosta1: On West 7th Street
DaCosta1: Legal & Communications Center
DaCosta1: Through My Windshield