dacky2: Swing time.
dacky2: Preparing for our next adventure entails clearly labeling an old Nalgene bottle for its special purpose.
dacky2: Stare not too long into the Abyss.
dacky2: Ascent out of Pinnacle Cave
dacky2: Family and Friends pose
dacky2: Lemon Pie Baker
dacky2: IMG_0519
dacky2: Quality time
dacky2: Girls exploring ugly architectural design
dacky2: Parker Lake
dacky2: Olmstead Point
dacky2: Mammoth Lakes
dacky2: Convict Lake
dacky2: Green Smoothie Empty
dacky2: Surfacing
dacky2: Pink Birds
dacky2: Sunlight
dacky2: Virginia City reflected steeple
dacky2: Semi-tame
dacky2: Steens Mountain Ice Cave
dacky2: Wildflower
dacky2: Nez Perce Powwow
dacky2: Winnemucca NV
dacky2: Paddling on Lake Wallowa
dacky2: Daddy daughter moment
dacky2: Waterslide
dacky2: Glacier National Park
dacky2: Glacier National Park
dacky2: Glacier National Park
dacky2: Corn on the Cob