adamdachis: DSC02200 Ali and Her Hot Dog
adamdachis: DSC02204 Erica Taking a Picture
adamdachis: DSC02206 Hanging Out
adamdachis: DSC02207 Luke and Zoey
adamdachis: DSC02214 Curious Bubbie
adamdachis: DSC02218 Patriotism
adamdachis: DSC02219 Julian's Dilly Bar
adamdachis: DSC02223 Michael Rides on the Back of the Boat
adamdachis: DSC02224 Sarah
adamdachis: DSC02228 Erica on the Boat
adamdachis: DSC02235 Adam on the Boat
adamdachis: DSC02241 Adam on the Boat
adamdachis: DSC02245 Lucy
adamdachis: DSC02247 Lucy Tongue
adamdachis: DSC02257 Luke and Zoey
adamdachis: DSC02258 Ali and Debbie
adamdachis: DSC02264 Louie
adamdachis: DSC02268 Erica Molests Lucy
adamdachis: DSC02269 Louie Kneeboards
adamdachis: DSC02270 Lake Minnetonka
adamdachis: DSC02276 Zach at the Dock
adamdachis: DSC02278 Dogs on the Dock
adamdachis: DSC02281 Lucy by the Pool
adamdachis: DSC02286 Mom and Ali
adamdachis: DSC02293 Mom and Ali Kiss
adamdachis: DSC02294 Ali and Elaine II
adamdachis: DSC02300 Erica and Cupcake
adamdachis: DSC02305 Marnie and Baubie
adamdachis: DSC02320 Zoey and Luke
adamdachis: DSC02311 Ali and Baubie