dabuda: AJ Spurs
dabuda: AJ Spurs
dabuda: Indian
dabuda: Reading the evening paper
dabuda: Paper
dabuda: Vaquero Soup
dabuda: Vaquero Soup
dabuda: Vaquero soup, salsa, tequilla beans, rice pilaf, garden salad, AJ spuds, French garlic bread, and root beer float
dabuda: The Gambler
dabuda: Tequilla Beans and Salsa
dabuda: Vaquero Soup
dabuda: Firestone Ale
dabuda: Watermelon Lemonade
dabuda: Watermelon Lemonade
dabuda: Cheers!
dabuda: Thirsty Bear
dabuda: Moo?
dabuda: Polar Bear
dabuda: Garden Salad
dabuda: The GAMBLER
dabuda: NY Strip
dabuda: Calamari
dabuda: Pork Chops
dabuda: Starting on the gambler
dabuda: Starting
dabuda: Ribeye with shrimp
dabuda: Root Beer Float
dabuda: Root Beer Float
dabuda: Interior
dabuda: I ate the Gambler, all 38ozs of it! (uh-huh)