DABgp: dawn
DABgp: c29b
DABgp: pinnacle view
DABgp: IMG_3368a
DABgp: Looking toward Cat Island
DABgp: Salmon nets at dawn
DABgp: From Cardoness at dawn
DABgp: Badger
DABgp: Swans over the Fleet estuary
DABgp: Swans and Ardwall
DABgp: November beach patrol
DABgp: Ice on the beach at dawn
DABgp: Icy dawn on the Fleet estuary
DABgp: Just to remind us it was cold in March too
DABgp: Duck pond dawn
DABgp: Icy flare
DABgp: Strangers on the shore
DABgp: Take a seat
DABgp: Cardoness chapel
DABgp: Bacon, eggs & rhododendrons
DABgp: draw a line in the sand
DABgp: Cardoness evening
DABgp: Late evening, May on the Fleet estuary
DABgp: Doris the dory
DABgp: Cat Island
DABgp: Yellow and blue
DABgp: trees and rocks
DABgp: Mainly sky
DABgp: Last June
DABgp: Wet feet, but badger captured