DABgp: Cooper cockpit HDR
DABgp: Piglet, I think
DABgp: Teeps the cat
DABgp: IMG_2364
DABgp: Goldfinch feeding time
DABgp: Kirkudbright, early again
DABgp: Some blossomy type stuff
DABgp: Candlestick on the pulpit
DABgp: Cat Island on an April morning
DABgp: Ardwall from Carrick Point, Easter Sunday
DABgp: Quiet morning on the Fleet estuary
DABgp: Cellarium
DABgp: Beneath Ashness bridge
DABgp: Iced cow parsley
DABgp: Coloured fishing net floaty thingies
DABgp: Wood of Cree bw
DABgp: Ardwall through the stakes
DABgp: Brill windmill
DABgp: End of the Line HDR BW
DABgp: Industrial archeology on Ailsa Craig
DABgp: Dog Poo 2
DABgp: Momaflection
DABgp: IMG_2915
DABgp: Chrysler building reflected
DABgp: Look
DABgp: Illuminated birdcage
DABgp: Bit of a front porch