DABgp: IMG_0363a
DABgp: IMG_0376b
DABgp: Cuerden Valley park
DABgp: IMG_0369a
DABgp: Lytham on a very fresh, December day
DABgp: IMG_0431b
DABgp: IMG_0385b
DABgp: IMG_0424a
DABgp: Cuerden valley walk
DABgp: Eccleston church B&W
DABgp: Bechstein at Samlesbury Hall
DABgp: Family crests at Samlesbury Hall
DABgp: Detail at Samlesbury Hall
DABgp: Suddenly appeared at a Leyland roundabout...
DABgp: that tank again
DABgp: War and Peace
DABgp: Skippool Creek luxury mooring
DABgp: Brockholes visitor centre
DABgp: Good Hope
DABgp: Good Hope wreck
DABgp: Shed on the jetty
DABgp: Looking up
DABgp: Brockholes walkway
DABgp: Exhausted shingles
DABgp: Wild garlic
DABgp: Marles wood bluebells
DABgp: Bluebell blur
DABgp: My wine cellar?
DABgp: Burgundy collection
DABgp: The Spanish quarter