dabchickvintagegems: Web of Chains
dabchickvintagegems: Statement Necklace, Bold, Burgundy, Pearl Rhinestone Pendant
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Flower Power
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Button Ring, Rhinestones, Pearls
dabchickvintagegems: Art Deco Vertical Ring, Vintage Rhinestones
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage White Flower Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Flower Power Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Flower Power Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Glam Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Art Deco Vertical Ring, Vintage Rhinestones
dabchickvintagegems: Statement Necklace, Vintage Repurposed, Ruby Red, Pink, Chocolate, Pearls, Gold, Dramatic, One of a Kind
dabchickvintagegems: Statement Necklace, Vintage Repurposed, Ruby Red, Pink, Chocolate, Pearls, Gold, Dramatic, One of a Kind
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Vintage Owl Ring
dabchickvintagegems: Necklace, Pearl, Big Bauble, Vintage Restyled Beauty
dabchickvintagegems: Necklace, Pearl, Big Bauble, Vintage Restyled Beauty