dabchickvintagegems: Before & After: Recycled Vintage Choker by Dbchick Vintage Gems
dabchickvintagegems: Before: Worn Fittings, Tired Beads
dabchickvintagegems: Step 1: Cut out old fittings
dabchickvintagegems: Step 2: Keep parts together
dabchickvintagegems: Step 3: Polish beads
dabchickvintagegems: Step 4: New wire
dabchickvintagegems: Step 4: Looping polished beads
dabchickvintagegems: Step 5: Connecting looped beads
dabchickvintagegems: Step 6: Polish and reuse old hook clasp
dabchickvintagegems: Step 7: Chains complete
dabchickvintagegems: Step 8: Gather new bead fittings
dabchickvintagegems: Step 8: Large beads & new fittings on head pins
dabchickvintagegems: Step 8: In progress
dabchickvintagegems: Step 9: Adding new layer of crystal beads
dabchickvintagegems: Step 10: Connect bead strands to newly wired bead chain
dabchickvintagegems: After: Lovely, new beaded necklace by Dabchick Vintage Gems