dabaer: Michael Ann and me
dabaer: Roomies
dabaer: The next couple to be wed
dabaer: Daniel and Michael Ann
dabaer: Nephews
dabaer: Natali and Nick
dabaer: The reception pavillion
dabaer: Fishing the vollyball out of the bushes
dabaer: Peter joins the boys to save the vollyball
dabaer: Meg's mistake
dabaer: AJ and Eric
dabaer: Lobster time
dabaer: Meg and Brandon's first dance
dabaer: Awkward solo photo
dabaer: View after a little climbing
dabaer: Low sun
dabaer: Rhode Island
dabaer: Fun on the beach
dabaer: This didn't work as well...
dabaer: Sunset
dabaer: Sunset on the beach