dabaer: Dad's new fountain
dabaer: Tending to the garden
dabaer: Bumble Bee
dabaer: Dad's flowers
dabaer: Grandma opens Bonnie & Bob's present
dabaer: The card is singing!
dabaer: Opening her present
dabaer: It's a Bea Baer monopoly board
dabaer: Taking a closer look
dabaer: Uncle Ted and Uncle Ron take a look
dabaer: Mom and Dad spot a place they know
dabaer: Grandma's monopoly board
dabaer: Eve and Ron
dabaer: Eve and Ron
dabaer: Sister and Mom
dabaer: Mom and me
dabaer: Baby Konar
dabaer: Konar
dabaer: Dad cooks up some BBQ
dabaer: Grandma and Mom
dabaer: Mom and Grandma
dabaer: Alana and Shelby
dabaer: Easton, Alana, and me
dabaer: Konar...I see tongue!
dabaer: Dessert around the table
dabaer: Bob telling jokes, I'm sure
dabaer: The kids table
dabaer: Always the kids table...
dabaer: Bob and Shelby
dabaer: A very cute pair