Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Family Fun Fair
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: 1st time on Big Thunder
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Gwenie in her blue dress
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Penelope in her green dress
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Sisters in their dresses
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Drinking the rain
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Darth Vader & The Little Mermaid dating????
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: P wanted to be in the pic
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Why I love Summer
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Devoured Dad's boysenberry cobbler
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: loved having them crawl on her
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: finding happiness in the small things
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: caught a ladybug
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Gwen the Canon Ball
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Water fight anyone?