Snapper1946: Assembly for preparatory inspection
Snapper1946: Inspection before the parade
Snapper1946: _MG_7694-Edit
Snapper1946: Officer Cadet Barnaby Spink
Snapper1946: Officer Cadets
Snapper1946: Marching to the parade ground
Snapper1946: Marching
Snapper1946: Evidence of practice
Snapper1946: Focused
Snapper1946: Ready for inspection
Snapper1946: Awaiting arrival of the General
Snapper1946: Inspection
Snapper1946: _MG_7844-Edit-Edit
Snapper1946: In command
Snapper1946: Saluting
Snapper1946: Eyes Right
Snapper1946: Marching off
Snapper1946: _MG_7956-Edit-Edit
Snapper1946: Sergeant Major
Snapper1946: Major England's Decorations