****Deb****: i need these
****Deb****: ...gigantic robin....
****Deb****: laundry day
****Deb****: sucker headdress,,,, ugh
****Deb****: i got the wrong cookie....
****Deb****: ... me on t.v.
****Deb****: we were too late :-(
****Deb****: relief, first (bruce) and second (me)
****Deb****: Gay made me a necklace and earrings...SWEET
****Deb****: Barb and me
****Deb****: Carol, Larry, Deb
****Deb****: Deb, Doris, .....Fred..... Best of Show
****Deb****: Kirt, Eliodoro, Fred, Neil, Deb
****Deb****: Izo and Deb'o
****Deb****: benson and bergum
****Deb****: Hurst Lime Kilns (1870-1920)
****Deb****: snake on the frame...
****Deb****: innocence
****Deb****: arkansas v iowa...plenty of nothing...
****Deb****: i like this tractor.... still in use or abandoned.... i don't know.
****Deb****: movie site: "Field of Dreams"
****Deb****: really big "American Gothic"
****Deb****: mississippi river ...welcome ?
****Deb****: larry loves me
****Deb****: a scolding....?
****Deb****: "A Penny Saved"
****Deb****: detail
****Deb****: "Rollin Rollin Rollin"
****Deb****: "Queen of the Coral"
****Deb****: 'once upon a rainy day in an attic far far away"